The Story: Act I

SCENE I: The Market Place. Romeo, son of Lord Montague, tries unsuccessfully to declare his love for Rosaline and is consoled by his friends, Mercutio and Benvolio. As day breaks, the townspeople meet in the market place and a quarrel develops between Tybalt, a nephew of Lord Capulet, and Romeo and his friends. The Capulets and Montagues are sworn enemies and a fight begins. The Lords Montague and Capulet join in the fray, which is stopped by the appearance of the Prince of Verona who commands the families to end their feud.

SCENE II: Juliet's Bedroom in the Capulet House. Juliet, playing with her nurse, is
interrupted by her mother, Lady Capulet, who tells Juliet that she is to be married to Paris. Juliet is unsure of her approaching maturity and shy with her intended groom.

SCENE III: Outside the Capulet House. Mercutio, Romeo, and Benvolio decide to go to the ball in pursuit of Rosaline. They disguise themselves as entertainers and don masks to avoid recognition.

SCENE IV: The Ballroom of the Capulet House. Romeo and his friends arrive at the height of the festivities. The guests watch Juliet dance. Romeo, enchanted joins her. Paris interrupts the duet and Tybalt recognizes Romeo. Mercutio tries to entertain and distract the guests as Romeo leaves quickly, but Tybalt is angry and chases the last intruder away.

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